Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Will we be buying pink or blue???

Inspired by a best friend who had her first baby last year, I too am going to post a quizlet to get your input.

We are 15 1/2 weeks along in our journey and in just 3 or 4 weeks our little baby bump will go from an "it" to a "he" or "she."

What do you think the baby is....

Here are some of the facts that may help you cast your vote:
* Heart rate was in the 160s
* Morning sickness from 5 weeks until 10 weeks
* Rick will not settle on a boy name
* No real cravings, some tiny aversions- plain peanut butter, vinegar ( oddly I still like pickles and certain dressings, but the plain vinegar is gross).

Cast your vote above!


Julie said...

Okay so your pregnancy sounds like mine, so I'll go with girl, since that's what I had :) But since everyone one I know (and I know 9 people *so far* having babies this year) every one of them that has found out is having a boy. So I'm really inclined to say boy.

Corie said...

Hey there! Found your site off facebook. Okay, I think you are having a girl by the sounds of your symptoms and heart rate, etc. Cant wait to hear! :)