Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Prego Books and What Ones Do You Read???
So far, in my short experience of being "with child", I have had a ravenous urge to read everything under the moon about pregnancy. I feel like John Travolta in "Phenomenon" only I don't expect to be fluent in Portuguese... only fluent in truly "what to expect" next.
More than a year ago, knowing that one day I wanted babies, I had purchased books on the sly. I found several at "Big Lots" and for pennies on the dollar really. So, I spent a whole $4.00 on the books and tucked them away for the day that they would actually emerge with function. I also found another one in the bargain bin at a major book retailer for a fraction of the retail price... and yes, I hid that one as well.
I didn't want my poor husband to think that I was obsessed with having a baby, did I??!??!( even though we all knew that was the case.)
I was ready for that day to come, when I could dust off their covers and truly dig into the book chapter by chapter, or week by week in prego book terms.
Four weeks ago ( give or take a few days) I did just that. I got out "Working Mother's Pregnancy" and the "Emotions of Being Pregnant" and "Your Pregnancy Week by Week."
I started reading. Matching my symptoms, scanning with such close scrutiny of all the things that could go wrong and beginning to worry. Please God, keep our little one tucked safely in my expanding waistline.
It has become pleasure reading of text books. It seems so unlikely that the science and biology involved in reproducing a 1/2 you 1/2 husband little version of a person would be so gripping and page turning. It is just that. When you read how big your sea monkey is getting every week there is such a great pleasure in knowing that it is growing with the help of your love!
This week we are a blueberry and the fascinating thing about it, our little "Shrek" as we joke about it ( Shannon and Rick put together), already has a fully beating heart, brain development, growing fingers and toes, a little nose and earlobes too!
When you read that - you know that God truly has a plan and his creations on this planet are truly perfect in His eyes. At 8 weeks and four days along, our baby is starting to look like a baby.
It is easy to get addicted to reading about that!!
So, I bought a few more books. I actually bought one for Rick- that way he will know what he can expect from me and whats going on in the "inside."
I also bought a few books on Amazon ( used books for just a few dollars each) that were highly recommended by my wonderful mommy friends. The books are stacking up. And while I haven't spent more than 20 dollars total on them... I can already see the look that I will get when Rick peeks at the night stand to see 7 Prego-related books plus Dave Ramsey's book.
When we were at the Doctor's office on Monday, our doctor, who will soon become famous in this blog for his awesomeness, handed me two books.
He said "I don't want you to go out and buy a bunch of pregnancy books." (oops) He handed me a medical book from the American College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians and "What to Expect When You are Expecting." He said- these two are all you need!
"One is the most accurate and one is just for fun."
Rick's eyes lit up as if to say..."see I told you so!" So, after docs advice, I no longer feel the need to buy the latest edition of each book on the store shelf. I do, however, feel the need to read all of the ones I have on mine...
The good thing is, 40 weeks is kind of a long time.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Breaking News: Our Hage Baby Set For Delivery Oct 2, 2010
Well, it wasn't PMS.
The cramps, the swelling ta-tas, the overwhelming and immediate drain of all of my energy at once was not monthly visit from "Aunt Flow."
In big bold letters on the EPT pee stick it said Pregnant! Our lives immediately changed.
It wasn't long before I started feeling the joys of pregnancy. At first, it was just a couple of days a week. Now, I am finding myself kneeling before our porcelain throne everyday- sometimes more than once. Throwing up has become a ritual for me in the morning... mostly triggered by brushing my teeth. Then, I have to brush my teeth again. Luckily, the second round with the soft bristle doesn't flare up the good ol' gag reflex....yet!
We were lucky enough to find the most amazing doctor!
Our first trip to the OB was one for the record books. I am extremely blessed that Rick wants to be involved in every step of this journey of ours. He may not feel that way when he has to sit in the doctors office with me and EVERYTHING is exposed! Rick learned this the hard way during our first visit.
We both arrived at Dr. Eckel's office feeling nervous and anxious. We were on edge. It was such a weird sensation to be celebrating getting pregnant when for so long you do what you have to do not to get pregnant. We both obviously are worried about all of the changes that instantly happened to our newlywedded bliss. As we walk through the doors from the lobby into the area where the big mean ugly scale sits, our anxiety is building. Then, they ask me to pee in the cup. I was like "Sure..."That was until I read the 10 instructions you MUST follow in order to properly accomplish said task.... gulp.... stage fight.... and the urine sample was a no go!
I was sweating all over my body... and felt that sudden twinge of vertigo start... Ears ringing... Still can't vision suddenly looking down the long "shining-like" hallway ... still can't pee...
I give up.
When I step outside of the bathroom and explain my sudden battle with stage fright, I get this look like "Girl, are you really pregnant???"
The nurse takes my blood pressure after that- and boy, did that ever skyrocket! 130/80!WAY HIGH for me!
So, we go into the exam room. Rick is trying to keep calm. He is quiet... too quiet!
During this first visit, the doctor does a full physical exam on me. This is obviously something most men don't have the pleasure of enduring year after year.
So, during this exam, Rick describes a sudden dizzy feeling overwhelming his normally cool head.
That's when he says "I think I am going to pass out."
Our wonderful doctor immediately jumped into action... He told Rick to put his head between his legs as he was already tearing off the rubber gloves preparing to catch his fall.
I was still in stirrups as I watched my husband slump over. I caught one shoulder with the doctor leaning over me to catch the other. Rick went lights out!
After a few minutes, my pale faced husband began to regain his sense of where he was and feeling in his face. Our experience was perfectly us. We are clumsy and chaotic at times and this visit was proof that God has a splendid sense of humor. We do too about our first visit. We also believe the perfect doctor was brought into our lives.
It's absolutely amazing to think that in a short time- Rick and I will be rocking our newborn to sleep.
Our second visit with our doctor was today. An amazing experience!
We saw our baby on the big screen!

The round mass in the center of the dark is our little sea monkey. Today, we both fell in love with our little creation!
We are back at the doctor in three weeks. We will hear what the baby's heart sounds like!
Will it be a tap dancer or a helicopter pilot?