Thursday, March 11, 2010

Our little prune is causing us to need some prunes!- Warning- not for those who blush easily!

We are nearing the finish line of the first trimester, however, the days feel like they go on forever! Just two more weeks, 16 more days to be exact and we are happily in the the second block of baby growth.

I can feel my body actively working to the point where I am simply exhausted at any given moment in the day. I am not complaining though, I simply imagine that our little fetus is swimming in all of the space he or she has right now! I imagine he/she can stretch out really long and get good and relaxed! Right now, our little "Shrek" has "so much room for activities."
It is such a crazy thing- growing a human being!

We are 10 weeks- soon to be 11 weeks...

Here is a little update on our baby....
The baby is swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm. Vital organs — including his kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver are in place and starting to function. If you were to have super secret ninja vision and could see our munchkin you may be able to spot tiny nails forming on fingers and toes and peach-fuzz hair beginning to grow on tender skin.

Yes- I know, I read too much. Just take a look at that picture, while that is not our baby, that is how old and how big our baby is right this second. I am often dumbfounded at the idea of how quickly our little life was conceived and how big it gets every day.

We are roughly the size of a prune or a kumquat...

If you are unaware of what a kumquat is or how big... Here is a look...

It is amazing to me that I have something that big growing in my belly! I don't feel like I am really showing that much! It just looks like I went on an all cake all the time diet.

Rick and I often joke that the growing bulge in my belly is actually a "food baby" and not our baby. The definition of "food baby" is something most people choose not to discuss, but I will because the more preggo I get, the less filtering I do.

Food baby: (noun,) a descended stomach that appears like a baby-bump but is not the fetus, this phenomenon is caused by a build up of gases, food and digestive matter that is making its way ever so SLOWLY down your intestinal track.

Gross I know!

Here's what I think the culprit is to our Food Baby- the lovely anti nausea drugs that I have taken to not retch my guts up every morning... ZOFRAN.

So, while I haven't had to throw up, I also haven't been able to take care of business either! Its quite a funny problem to have. Prior to pregnancy, I would never would have dreamed of uttering the c-word, but now, I guess I have lost my shame and embarrassment and now have the ability express everything... especially to my poor husband. I am sure he would have paid a lot of money to never hear me say..."Honey, I have no idea why I am so constipated!"

I am sure this is just a temporary issue and will be resolved soon- with a lot of fiber, a lot of kiwi, and a lot of patience!

Stay tuned for next week: We will have a surprise for you to hear as well!