Yes, half of an entire year has flown by since Savannah made her entrance into this world!
Let me tell you a little about this munchkin... first of all, she is hilarious!
She finds it quite comical to sit and blow raspberries with her tongue for ten minutes at a time. She most enjoys doing this when she has a mouth filled with peas or some sort of green vegetable.( We have great video of this that I will post later, but here is the aftermath. I let her have some fun and play with some spilled peas too!)

She loves it when mommy or dad says "I'm gonna getcha..." ( and then tickling occurs, of course.) I have also started doing what I call the "claw"- which is just my hand up high and it lowers ever-so slowly and gets her belly... big laughs from that!
Our little 15 pounder is also dead set on mastering as many of those milestones as possible.
She rolls, she pushes up onto her arms when on her belly, but she really loves to sit up and it seems she wants to just take off from there and crawl.
She starting sitting up around 4 months. We took our second family trip, this time to Telluride, Colorado. I just propped her up and she didn't fall! Yea!!!!

Here are some more pictures from that trip. We drove there and back and stopped at the four corners to snap a few pictures as well!
We have also introduced some solid foods into her diet.

We started out with rice cereal, which as you can tell from this little face, was not a tasty success. Since then, we have introduced peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, yams, green beans, bananas and avocados, pears, apples, and mangoes into her little diet. She likes the fruit a lot, but the veggies are obviously less desired. We tried butternut squash in this video below.
Since she learned to sit up, one of her favorite activities is just to sit and play with toys. She has learned how to use her hands very well and seems to be drawn to the toys that sit across the blanket from her. So, now, we wait for her to take flight. She sits perched on her blanket and play mats with a mission. We watch her as she tries to figure out how to get that toy that is lying farthest from her. So, its only a matter of time before our house needs to be full on child proofed!

Savannah, the curious little creature, loves to grab at everything!

We are starting a new child care adventure as well. She has been at either our sweet sitter's house or my mom's house since she was 8 weeks old, but every one's situation has changed over the last 4 months.
So, on Monday, we begin day care at a day care center. I was really nervous about this until I took the sweet babes into the center yesterday and let her play with the other kiddos in her classroom. She did great! She loved the baby interaction. Imagine that, I have a social child.
I am sure that Monday will be more difficult for me than her. Savannah adapts to her surroundings so well, we parents, not so much!
Wish me luck!