While some of the guys were golfing, the meet and greet was a great way for all my grandparents, Rick's family, and the rest of mine to get a chance to say hello before the wedding the following day. The sun was shinning to the point that people were actually using the sunblock that we put inside our wedding weekend survival kits. We all were looking forward to a good and sunny day the next day.
After the meet and greet- all of my girls and I raced over to our hotel. I had to rewash my hair and fix it in order to look somewhat cute for our rehearsal. We all cleaned up and raced back over to the Rim.

I am one lucky gal!
It really didn't matter what was said as long as I ended up standing next to Rick in the end!
Just Practicing for the big day!
I still love this shot!!!
During the rehearsal the sun is shinning and the temperature was quite hot... there of course was the exception of a few menacing clouds, but overall, a beautiful day!
As I looked around at all of the wonderful people surrounding us on the driving range as we practiced saying I do... I just kept saying PLEASE DON'T LET IT RAIN TOMORROW!
The Rehearsal dinner was a blast. I prided myself on having little elements included in all of our fun that Rick did not know about. The main thing was my mom and I ordered a grooms cake. When we designed the cake we thought the thing that represented Rick best was where he grew up. Rick grew up in Inwood, Iowa on a farm that had four tall blue silos. We did our best to recreate that image.

I am using this blog as a journal. A way for me to remember all the little details while they are still fresh in my memory.
Kate and I woke up at first light it seemed like. We quickly woke up Steph and Tracy!
It was time for all of us to get ready!
We hired a make-up artist! For those who wanted it! Holly did an amazing job!
On your wedding day, time seems to move at warp speeds. 1:45pm when the limo came to pick us up came way too quickly.
We had to load up all of our stuff and head over to the Rim where we would get into our dresses and prepare for the real deal.
We arrived at the Rim, I was so excited, I wouldn't let anyone else carry my dress... I was so antsy to slip into the gown and be transformed into a bride!
But before we could do that... we all needed to eat!!!
Starving and slowing down, my bridesmaids and I chowed down on some munchies... soon I was recharged. I knew time was running out- it was now time to get into that dress.
My gown, designed by Maggie Sottero was had a corset built in and the bead work was truly breathtaking. I loved my dress so much!
It was challenging to get it on. Kortni and Tracy took on the task to pull the corset really tight and cinch my waist in! I loved it!
As we were in the process of cinching... the weather outside was brewing. The thunder began to roll... the wind picked up and clouds covered the sky... It was about to rain.
I just tried to keep a smile on my face and keep anticipating what was ahead.
Rick and I made the decision to have a private moment before the wedding. It was a chance for us privately see each other for the first time before the wedding and to give each other little gifts that we bought each other. We also got some of those pictures out of the way before so we wouldn't hold up the party after the ceremony.

I was really nervous for our moment. It was a tight time schedule and right as we were to meet each other it started to sprinkle.
As I walked out of the door to meet my true love, I tried to ignore the rain. With every step I felt myself getting more and more relaxed. Standing next to Rick has always calmed me.
When our eyes met, both his and mine filled with tears. He looked ravishingly GQ in his classic black bow tie tuxedo. He kissed my forehead. We were at home with each other.

For the next hour, Rick and I kept our smiles painted on our faces, even as the it rained again. So much for the National Weather Services' forecast of 0% chance of rain showers.
As I looked out the window, the Rim workers were drying the seats. But I couldn't shake the feeling that we would have to change where I had dreamed of marrying my Rick. ( Our plan b was to move the wedding indoors -- all of the guests surrounding the fireplace... obviously not my favorite option)

Snap shot after snap shot... pose after pose... I was ready for five o'clock to arrive.
Back in the dressing I waited, still raining, none of our guests were being seated, I started to cry. The calm bride turned into the worried wort, hoping that her dream wedding would not resort to the nightmare of dreadful plan b.
Kortni and Kate calmed me down. They are married and know the nerves. I snagged a sip of Steph's cocktail... and took a deep breath. It was almost time.
5:00PM September 27th, 2008
The guests were seated on the driving range at The Rim Golf Club. Their seats faced the stunning Granite Dells- a beautiful mountain formation along the Mogollon Rim. The string quartet was playing- soon, the wedding party was walking down the flight of stairs, marching to "Canon D." It was my turn.

With both of my loving fathers standing next to me, to whispered to them, "Don't let me trip and fall down these stairs."

My fathers were asked as their jobs came to a close " Who gives this woman to this man?"
They replied " Her mother and we do." I gave each of them a kiss and a hug. I grabbed Rick's hands.
As we stood in front of each other , we both tried to fight back the tears.

Our ceremony opened with a prayer, followed by a story about how we met. Our pastor Donovan read the email exchange Rick and I made before we even dreamed that this day would come.

Our ceremony was so wonderful. We both had tears of joy streaming down our faces and giggled that we did.

I had found a poem by Robert Croft... a poet I had never heard of, but I loved what he wrote. I had Kortni read it.

“I Love You”
By Roy Croft
I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when with you.
I love you, not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are
making of me. I love you, for the part of me that you bring out. I love you, for
putting your hand into my heaped-up heart, and passing over all the foolish,
weak things that you can’t help dimly seeing there, and for drawing out, into
the light, all the beautiful belongings that no one else had looked quite far
enough to find. I love you, because you are helping me to make the lumber of my
life, not a tavern, but a temple. Out of the works of my every day, not a
reproach, but a song. I love you, because you have done more good than any creed
could have done to make me good, and more than any fate could have done to make
me happy. You have done it without a word, without a sign. You have done it by
being yourself. Perhaps that is what being a friend means, after all.
Just like that, the ceremony was over. Rick kissed his bride and it was time to celebrate.
The reception was a blast. The food was wonderful- we had three kinds of meat, vegetables and the big hit- the mashed potatoe bar. YUM! I ate only a little bit, and drank maybe a half glass of wine before the traditional wedding stuff started.
We danced to our song- "Right Where I Need to Be."
I had two father daughter dances-
"Brown Eyed Girl" with my dad.
I danced with Mike to "Moon River" which is such a great song.
Rick danced with his mom to "Stand By Me."
And after that the fun began.
Here are some pictures to give you an idea of how the evening played out!
It was not uncommon to see my two rockstar sisters calling for another round of shots.

The band was great! All of our guests really seemed to like the band! At one point I looked around, and everyone was on the dance floor!

A few minutes later- Rick took the mic- he sang our song "Right where I need to be" by Gary Allan.

He sang it with such gusto and what seemed like experience. He was on key and didn't miss a beat. It amazed us all. Then, without any effort, the band and Rick starting singing "Sweet Home Alabama." This memory will last forever. My Rockstar husband.
My family, Rick and I planned our wedding for almost a year. And it seemed like as quickly as the day came for all of us... it was over that quickly too!
I did, during the ceremony and reception, take time to take it all in. We had a wonderful day, and what a way to start our married lives together. It was spectacular, we are truly blessed!

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