I know it has been a long time since I last wrote, but there hasn't been too much to report!
Since the last update, we have had just one appointment, but it was a big one. We were able to hear our baby's heart beat for the first time. I was a little nervous when it took a few minutes for the doctor to find the beat with the Doppler... but when he did, it was incredible. We tried to take a video to share that wonderful noise with everyone, but it didn't turn out because the heartbeat was so quiet at the time. Doctor Awesomness told us the heart rate was in the 160's. ( For all of you old wives tale believers out there- you have to tell me your take on it.) We were 12 1/2 weeks at our last appointment, I had been feeling a little chubby in my midsection and asked the Doctor Awesomness if that was fatty fat... he gave me my confidence back, He told me that was actually baby bump. I had already been having people rub the Buddha, and was telling them, "that's not baby, that's what the baby eats!" Well, I was wrong and was very apologetic to all of those who's hands I slapped away from my belly.
We are now 15 weeks along and yes, we are officially showing. I have no idea how I am carrying, because it all seems so foreign to me. Some say that I am carrying kind of high- I feel like it is just all across my midsection. I haven't noticed that I am carrying the baby in my butt- and thank goodness for that. I have had enough help throughout the years.
I broke down and put on maternity pants this morning. I decided I had to after I went through all of the slacks in my closet and fastening buttons was a straining activity. So, now my closet is filled with items that will expand with me and not cut off my circulation in my tummy!
This weekend I also felt the urge to detail everything!!! I started in my kitchen! Nesting has officially begun. I began with the refrigerator, which I had been putting off for the past several weeks out of fear of my lovely up-chuck reflex. But, for the last month, the urge to vomit over nasty smells has eased up on me. So with a trash can in hand, I dumped all expired science projects hidden in the back of our terrible and ergonomically incorrect fridge!
Next on the list- cabinets. It's time to make room for baby! I needed to find space in our cabinets that will one day house bottles,"pump" supplies, sippy cups, baby food, baby plates... etc.... ( the list could go on and on).
So, I emptied on tiny cabinet and combined our food items into one make-shift pantry.
Leaving plenty of room for more items like these!
(The above items are not items we have purchased already, they are leave-behinds from babies we have watched.)
Last week, a weird phenomenon happened to me... On Wednesday, I did not look pregnant. I was looking thinner, wearing normal clothes, but did feel lots of stretching and pulling in my lower abdomen. By the next day....Pop! There was a mini-baby bump and clearly, I was showing.
I think it gets a little bit bigger everyday. I took this picture this morning while getting ready.
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